get certified testing
What We Test
Certified Testing & Data is ready to work with you for all of your testing needs from regulatory to Research & Development.
A Full Panel Test with Certified Testing & Data includes the following:
Cannabinoid Potency
Microbial Agents
Heavy Metals
Plant Regulators
Residual Solvents
*Dependent on matrix

How We Test
Our laboratories are stocked with highly sensitive specialized instrumentation and cannabis/hemp experts prepared to perform validated methodologies for any test on any matrix.
Ultra High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC)
Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (LC/MS)
Gas-Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry (GCMS/GCFID)
Tandem Mass Spectrometry (MS/MS)
Microarray / qPCR Technology
and More (Contact Us)
What are the Testing Regulations for Florida Cannabis?
In 2016, Florida passed Amendment 2, the Florida Medical Marijuana Legalization Initiative, legalizing medical cannabis for qualified patients with authorization by a certified physician. As a result, Florida Senate published Florida Statutes 381.986 – Medical Use of Marijuana, guidelines for the agriculture, manufacturing, distribution, testing, possession, and consumption of medical marijuana.
Certified Testing & Data meets all requirements to serve as a Marijuana Testing Laboratory under 381.986.
Under 381.986, Medical Marijuana Treatment Centers are required to work with a certified Marijuana Testing Laboratory to ensure products meet potency, pesticide, and contaminant limitations.

What are the Testing Regulations for New York Cannabis?
The Office of Cannabis Management (OCM) is responsible for Cannabis testing rules that apply to both the medical and retail market. Any marijuana or marijuana product intended to be sold at a dispensary or retail shop must have been sampled and tested according to the testing rules.
Any laboratory that tests marijuana items must be permitted by the OCM. Only accredited and licensed laboratories may sample and test marijuana items.
All marijuana items transferred or sold to a dispensary or retail shop must be accompanied by documentation of passing test results.
All marijuana items must be sampled according to OCM sampling protocols.
Why Test With Us

Our Team of Experts
Need help understanding your data? Our analytical experts are equipped with years of education and experience to help you understand what you have and how to move forward.

Our state-of-the-art facilities feature best-in-class design and functionality. Allowing for us to have the largest capacity lab of this kind in the country. Centrally located to serve the industry.

Instruments & Technology
All of our instruments are purchased new and offer us the best configuration to provide quality data at scale. Our Software, with our constantly improving LIMs systems, focused on making it easier to track and trend your data.

Best in Class COAs
Our Certificates of Analysis have all of the information you need, front and center. Reviewing the cannabinoid and terpene profiles of your new strain has never been so easy.

Customer Service
We are dedicated to providing best in class customer service. We are on stand by, ready to help you solve any problem you may have and make your day.

On-Time Delivery
Our services are fast and reliable. With the ability to rush, no matter how small or large the order.