1. SCOPE

These terms and conditions (“terms”) between Certified Testing and Data, including all corporations, limited liability companies, partnerships, and other business entities utilizing the name “Certified Testing and Data”, “CTND Lab”, “CTND Labs”, “CTND Laboratories” and “CTND” and the customer (“Customer” or “Client”) requesting services, shall govern the relationship between CTND and Client, and the terms on which the Services are provided. Customer agrees that when Customer signs or submits a service order request these terms will become effective.


Client hereby retains CTND as an independent contractor to provide lab testing services (“Services”) in compliance with the laws and regulations governing each state found in section 10 of these terms. Upon completion of the Services, CTND will provide Client with a Certificate of Analysis (“COA”).

CTND warrants that all Services shall be performed (i) in a competent and professional manner (ii) in accordance with recognized industry standards, (iii) in accordance with current and applicable laws and regulations, and, (iiii) in accordance with the CTND Quality Management System (“QMS”). CTND does not make any guarantee that the results will meet the acceptance or other criteria set out by Customer, and CTND does not accept responsibility for failure to meet any acceptance or other criteria. Client acknowledges that test results do not represent all potential and/or existing hazards.

CTND reserves the unconditional right to utilize external (non-CTND) laboratory resources to produce the results of testing or performance of Services as required.


Customer agrees that all decisions regarding which Services are required related to Customer’s products or business is solely Customer’s responsibility and Customer must decide whether the specific Service is appropriate for Customer’s circumstances and intended use of the results, Service Reports, or Software applications. Customer represents and warrants that it has sufficient and reasonable commercial knowledge and experience with respect to all international, federal, state, and local laws and regulations (the “Laws”) related to its products and business.


Intellectual Property is the patents, trademarks, copyrights, trade secrets, and proprietary rights of a company. Client understands and acknowledges that CTND is authorized to use anonymized data and is the sole owner of all Intellectual Property and rights to CTND services, products, developments, and knowledge. At no time shall a Client or other party infringe on CTNDs Intellectual Property or rights. If Client is aware of, or suspects parties to be in violation of CTNDs Intellectual Property the Client is obligated to inform CTND as soon as the knowledge or suspicion arises. It is the responsibility of CTND to take action against any parties who infringe on CTNDs Intellectual Property. 


Customer acknowledges that, due to the nature of the Services to be conducted, CTND shall not at any time return samples or other materials back to Client or its representatives. 

CTND shall have no liability for any errors, deficiencies, or omissions in any Services provided to Customer that are based on inaccurate or incomplete information provided to CTND. Client understands that, to the fullest extent permitted by law, no CTND Party shall be held liable to Client for any damages, whether caused by a CTND Party’s negligence, errors, omissions, strict liability, breach of contract, commission of tort, breach of warranty, or other causes of action whatsoever, except for gross negligence or willful misconduct of a CTND Party. 


Payment is due upon sample receipt at the laboratory. Client will be responsible for payment of invoices issued by CTND for services rendered. Clients may be eligible for terms and any agreements for such terms must be made in writing. Any invoices paid beyond the payment terms will incur a finance charge of 5% at 30 days late based on the due date and 16% APR interest per month going forward. Any dispute about invoices must be raised within 15 days of the invoice date. The challenge of an analytical result will not entitle a Customer to defer payment. Returned or bounced check(s) will incur a $50.00 minimum fee. Credit card processing fees will be paid by Customer. 


CTND, its employees, and representatives will not at any time either directly or indirectly, use for the personal benefit or divulge, disclose, or communicate, any information that is proprietary to the Client. Such information will be treated as strictly confidential. This provision will continue to be effective after the termination of this Contract. Any oral or written waiver by the Client of these confidentiality obligations which allows CTND to disclose the Clients confidential information to a third party will be limited to a single occurrence tied to the specific information disclosed to the specific third party.

Except as required by law, neither Party nor its representative shall use the other Party’s name, trademark, or logo in connection with any press releases or other publication without the other Party’s written consent or make statements that are disparaging about the other Party, its representatives or agents, products, services or business, nor will either Party file a statement or complaint with a government regulatory agency that misstates or omits the operations and activities of the other Party.


CTND shall not be responsible for any losses due to delays or failures if such delays or failures arise out of causes beyond its control. Such causes may include, but are not limited to, acts of God or the public enemy, fire, floods, epidemics, riots, quarantine restrictions, strikes, freight embargoes, electrical outages, terrorism, computer or communications failures, severe weather, and acts or omissions of subcontractors or third parties. CTND shall not be liable for delays or other problems caused by unforeseen circumstances, compliance with governmental requests, laws, regulations, or breakage or failure of equipment or apparatus, or any other event beyond CTND’s reasonable control


These terms, including all exhibits and attachments, contain the entire terms and conditions of the Parties hereto and supersedes all prior terms and conditions, understandings, and letters of intent between the Parties. These terms may not be changed orally but only by an agreement in writing signed by the Party against whom enforcement of any waiver, change, modification, extension, or discharge is sought. 



CTND New York Lab Location: 150 Broadway, Menands, New York 12204

New York State Office of Cannabis Management (OCM)

U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)

CTND Florida Lab Location: 805 W Central, Orlando, FL 32805

Florida Department of Health, Office of Medical Marijuana Use (FL DOH OMMU)

Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (FL DACS) U.S.

Department of Agriculture (USDA)



Cannaleptic Terms & Conditions

Any information concerning you that is obtained in connection with this study will be kept confidential, with the exception that the governing regulatory authority may have access to such information. Research studies relating to the products evaluated at Certified Testing and Data may be important trade secrets that help our client companies stay competitive in the marketplace. You agree that during your participation in this study, and afterward, you will keep confidential and not disclose to anyone outside of Certified Testing and Data any information concerning this study without our prior written consent.
This research study is designed to evaluate a consumer product or products that you may typically use, or to gather information about consumer attitudes and behaviors. The study is part of a testing program for new products or product improvements. If you know or suspect that you may be allergic to this product, or have other physical or medical reasons for not using/consuming this product, please do not use the product! Do not ingest, apply or otherwise use any product to which you may believe you are allergic or otherwise suspect may be harmful to you.
Instructions: Please see the following instructions for the CTND Cannaleptic consent form. Panelists will evaluate up to 1 sample of cannabis or hemp flower and answer a series of questions related to the product during a taste test portion of the study. The time required to complete the study is estimated to be 1 hour or less.
You agree and understand that the products are being test-marketed for use or consumption among the consuming public and that Certified Testing and Data disclaims any and all liability for damages or injury resulting from the use or consumption of these products. By agreeing to this form, you hold harmless Certified Testing and Data and their officers, employees, agents, and their heirs, administrators, and executors from any and all liability, claims, demands, or causes of action whatsoever arising from any damage, loss, or injury to you, your spouse, if any, and any heirs, successors, and assigns from participating in this study. YOU FURTHER AGREE AND UNDERSTAND THAT NO WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, ARE PROVIDED AND/OR EXTENDED AS PART OF THE USE OR CONSUMPTION OF THE PRODUCTS IN THIS STUDY. This agreement shall be in effect whether such loss, damage, or injury results from the negligence of Certified Testing and Data or some other cause.


The ingredients in these products are contained in commercially available products. Since certain individuals react differently to a given product, a panelist could experience some unusual type of reactions that may include skin irritation, headache, allergic reaction, and respiratory irritation. If such reactions occur as a result of participation in this study, discontinue use of this product and call your doctor. If you feel you have an urgent medical need, please contact your personal physician or proceed immediately to an emergency room. Extended medical care will not be provided; any medical costs incurred as a result of participating in this study will be your financial responsibility.

If you have any questions about this study, contact us at (518) 900-5515 or email us as [email protected]. I am twenty-one (21) years of age or older and have freely and without reservation volunteered to participate in the study described above. I have carefully read the above description and agreement and have satisfactorily received answers to any questions I may have had. I consent to serve as a panelist in this study, knowing that I am free to terminate my participation in this study at any time without consequence except waiving payment.

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